Thinking about using Social Network Analysis – try the SNA Hub In 2021, the Social Network Analysis in Scotland group (SNAS) developed the Social Network Analysis (SNA) Hub that is hosted on the Edinburgh Napier University (ENU) Open Moodle platform. The SNA Hub can be accessed here. The SNA Hub is intended to be a beginner’s guide to Social Network Analysis and how to use this methodology. The SNA Hub aims to act as a resource hub for anyone starting out with SNA, including an overview of some methods and metrics, along with short introduction/taster videos on relevant software for SNA and Network Science. [Read More]

Network Visualisation in R - Package Comparison

There are a number of packages available to visualisation networks in R - ranging from those which are implement other network analysis features to those which draw on the grammar of graphics visualisation techniques. This blog post demonstrates the differences between these packages for network visualisation - in terms of amount of code required, aesthetics etc. Data I will visualise the same network with each package. An International Trade Network (ITN), where the nodes are countries and the ties between them are trade. [Read More]

ITNr Version 0.2.0

International Trade Network (ITN) Analysis in R A new version of my package ITNr (0.2.0) is now on CRAN! The ITNr package presents a set of functions of to clean trade data, implement desciptitve analysis of the ITN and create a range of plots. I have updated and corrected the documentation for function is the last version, and have added several new functions. These include: core_periphery_weighted: To identify whether nodes belong to the core/periphery in weighted directed/undirected networks. [Read More]