ITNr Version 0.2.0

International Trade Network (ITN) Analysis in R A new version of my package ITNr (0.2.0) is now on CRAN! The ITNr package presents a set of functions of to clean trade data, implement desciptitve analysis of the ITN and create a range of plots. I have updated and corrected the documentation for function is the last version, and have added several new functions. These include: core_periphery_weighted: To identify whether nodes belong to the core/periphery in weighted directed/undirected networks. [Read More]

Creating R packages, R markdown and blogdown

As this my very first blog post for this site (created using blogdown) I decided to write some comments/general points on my experience moving from a being a general R user making use of functions to writing R packages, using GitHub, and making use of markdown and blogdown. Packages Throughout my PhD I had to create networks from international trade data. This involved cleaning the data, removing unnecessary actors (such as territories like “Other Asia not elsewhere classified”), applying a threshold, so the network only contained ties that were some percentage of world trade and finally convert this into a network file. [Read More]