ggplot & maps

Recently, I was attempting to layer plots created using ggplot onto a map. I came across this example, and it was exactly what I wanted. It produced this plot using a package called ggsubplot However, after trying to install and use ggsubplot I found out that it has been deprecated for some time (now incompatable with current versions of ggplot2) and has been since removed from CRAN, as detailed here. [Read More]
R  ggplot  maps 

Network Visualisation in R - Package Comparison

There are a number of packages available to visualisation networks in R - ranging from those which are implement other network analysis features to those which draw on the grammar of graphics visualisation techniques. This blog post demonstrates the differences between these packages for network visualisation - in terms of amount of code required, aesthetics etc. Data I will visualise the same network with each package. An International Trade Network (ITN), where the nodes are countries and the ties between them are trade. [Read More]

Country Networks and Flags

Recently, I was asked whether I could create an international trade network with flags as nodes. Therefore, I thought I would write a post introducing the ggflags packages and how to use it in network visualisation. I am creating this visualisation in R, and relying on a number of packages: ITNr for the international trade network data that we use in the example. However, you the visualisation steps I will outline can be applied to any country level network (that is a set of countries connect by any links - this could be trade, investment etc. [Read More]